Recommendations Feed

The Recommendations feed displays the most recommended content on your site, using actions (such as likes) by your friends and other people. It is different from the Activity feed which displays recent actions on your site.
App ID
Actions to Show
Maximum Age
Color Scheme


The configurator above doesn't include all of the possible settings for your feed. You can also change the following settings:
SettingHTML5 AttributeDescriptionDefault
actiondata-actionA comma-separated list of Open Graph action types to show in the feed.Any action type
app_iddata-app-idDisplay all actions associated with this app ID. This is usually inferred from the app ID you use to initiate the [JavaScript SDK].None
colorschemedata-colorschemeThe color scheme used by the plugin. Can be "light" or "dark"."light"
headerdata-headerShow the "Recent Activity" header above the feed. Can be "true" or "false""true"
heightdata-heightThe height of the plugin in pixels.300
linktargetdata-linktargetDetermines what happens when people click on the links in the feed. Can be any of thestandard HTML target values."_blank"
max_agedata-max-ageLimit the created time of articles that are shown in the feed. Valid values are 1-180, which represents the age in days to limit to.0 (no limit)
refdata-refA label for tracking referrals which must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). See the FAQ for more details.None
sitedata-siteThe domain for which to show activity.Current domain
widthdata-widthThe width of the plugin in pixels.300


How can I track referrals from a Recommendations Feed?

The ref setting causes a parameter to be added to the referrer URL when a person clicks a link in the feed:
  • fb_ref - the ref parameter
For example:
You can track these parameters using your analytics software.
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