Recommendations Bar

The Recommendations bar lets people 'like' content, get recommendations, and share what they're reading with their friends.
Expand Delay
Side of Window
Verb to Display


The configurator above doesn't include all of the possible settings for your plugin. You can also change the following settings:
SettingHTML5 AttributeDescriptionDefault
actiondata-actionThe verb to display on the button. Can be either "like" or "recommend"like
hrefdata-hrefThe absolute URL of the page that will be liked.XFBML and HTML5 versions default to the current URL.
max_agedata-max-ageA limit on recommendation and creation time of articles that are surfaced in the plugins. Valid values are 1-180, which specifies the age in days.(no limit)
num_recommendationsdata-num-recommendationsThe number of recommendations to display. The maximum value is 5.2
read_timeThe number of seconds before the plugin will expand. Minimum is 10.30
refdata-refA label for tracking referrals which must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). See the FAQ for more details.None
sidedata-sideThe side of the screen where the plugin will be displayed. This will automatically adjust based on the language, or can be set explicitly. Options are "left" or "right"Determined by language
sitedata-siteA comma separated list of domains to show recommendations for.The domain of the hrefvalue
triggerdata-triggerDetermines when the plugin expands to show recommendations. See the FAQfor full details on each option.onvisible


How can I customize what is shared when people click on the Like button on the bar?

The story created by the action of liking your page can be enriched by using meta tags to turn a simple HTML page into an Open Graph object. If you plan to use the Like button on any page on your website, you should read our best practices guide to ensure published stories look great on Facebook and get the best possible distribution.

What do the different trigger settings do?

The plugin is expanded once the trigger parameter requirements are met, and the person has been on the page for at least the duration specified in the read_time parameter. There are three values for the trigger parameter:
  • onvisible:
    The plugin is expanded when people scroll past the exact point where the<fb:recommendations-bar /> tag is placed on the page. This is the simplest option and will work best if you place the tag right at the end of your article's main content. This is the default.
  • X%, where X is any positive integer less than or equal to 100:
    This specifies the percent of the page that must be scrolled before the plugin is expanded. For example: A value of 100% would indicate that people need to scroll all the way to the end of the page before the plugin expands. A value of 50% indicates that people need to scroll to the middle point of the page.
  • manual:
    Use this option to manually trigger the plugin. When you want to trigger the plugin, callFB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar.markRead(href) in JavaScript. The href parameter is optional and will default to the current page if not set. If provided, it must match the hrefparameter on the XFBML tag. The manual trigger is useful when you have more a multipage article. For example on a three-page article, you would add trigger="manual" on pages one and two and never call the markRead JavaScript function on those pages.