
The Comments box lets people comment on content on your site using their Facebook profile and shows this activity to their friends in news feed. It also contains built-in moderation tools and special social relevance ranking.
URL to comment on
Number of Posts
Color Scheme


The configurator above doesn't include all of the possible settings for your Comments plugin. You can also change the following settings:
SettingHTML5 AttributeDescriptionDefault
colorschemedata-colorschemeThe color scheme used by the plugin. Can be "light" or "dark"."light"
hrefdata-hrefThe absolute URL that comments posted in the plugin will be permanently associated with. Stories on Facebook about comments posted in the plugin will link to this URL.Current URL.
mobiledata-mobileA boolean value that specifies whether to show the mobile-optimized version or not.Auto-detected
num_postsdata-numpostsThe number of comments to show by default. The minimum value is 1.10
order_bydata-order-byThe order to use when displaying comments. Can be "social", "reverse_time", or "time". The different order types are explained in the FAQ"social"
widthdata-widthThe width (in pixels) of the plugin. The mobile version of the Comments plugin ignores the width parameter, and instead has a fluid width of 100%.550


What are the different types of ordering for comments?

social aka "Social Relevance": The Comments plugin uses social signals to surface the highest quality comments. Comments are ordered to display the most relevant comments from friends and friends of friends as well as the most-liked or active discussion threads. Comments marked as spam are hidden from view.
time: Comments are shown in the order in which they were posted, with the oldest comments at the top, and the newest at the bottom.
reverse_time: Comments are shown in the opposite order from which they were posted, with the newest comments at the top, and the oldest at the bottom.

How do comments improve my content distribution?

Comments are easily shared on Facebook with friends or with people who like your Page. If people have the “Post to Facebook” box checked when they post a comment, a story appears in their friends' news feed indicating that they've made a comment on your website, which will also link back to your site.
Friends, or people who like your Page, can then respond to the discussion by liking or replying to the comment directly in the news feed or in the plugin on your site. Threads stay in sync across Facebook and on your site regardless of where the comment was made.

How can I moderate my comments plugins?

Admins can choose to make the default for new comments entered either “visible to everyone” or “require approval before being visible to everyone” on the site (i.e., the comment is only visible to the commenter and their friends until a moderator sees and approves the comment), to help mitigate irrelevant content.
Admins can also blacklist words and ban users. If a new comment is published from a banned us