Custom Stories Insights

Facebook Insights provides developers with metrics about their content. By understanding and analyzing trends about usage and demographics as well as consumption and creation of content, you can be better equipped to improve your business and create better experiences on Facebook.
The Insights main page provides a general overview of how you set up Insights for your app. Custom Stories Insights will be active and available if your app is using Custom Stories. You will then be able to view analytics for you app actions, objects and timeline units.
This guide will help you understand Insights analytical data.

Site engagement

The overview page lets you measure site engagement by providing a summary of the published actions and objects. You can filter your results to see information by individual actions and filter data by time and see results for different time periods.


The summary page first shows a total of your published actions, the total story impressions and total referrals. The total impressions span across the different channels news feed, ticker and timeline unit impressions. Total referrals provide information on the number of clicks for all the impressions. The arrows that link this data also show a multiplier for the actions to impressions and impressions to referrals.
The second chart breaks down the impressions by channel and helps you gauge performance of each channel.
The rest of the data is a graph representation of the published actions, impressions and referrals broken down by time.


You can filter the summary data by actions, objects and time.
Once you select an action filter, you have the option of further filtering by objects.

Story impressions and clicks

The Story CTR analytics page shows a break down of your Custom Stories (Open Graph) impressions and clicks. You can view a graph showing the percentage of clicks to impressions for a given action over a given time. You can also see the impression count and click counts over a given time by selecting the Count option.
You can also see the rate and count data in the table of the data below the graph.