Open Graph Actions

Actions are the "verbs" or the things that people can do in your app.



For developers building music apps, we have created a common music.listens action.

Create a Playlist

For developers building music apps, we have created a common Create Playlist action



For developers building book apps, Facebook provides a common books.rates action. This action is a signal that a person is rating a book.


For developers building book apps, Facebook provides a common books.reads action. This action is a signal that a person has read a book.


For developers building book apps, Facebook provides a common books.quotes action. This action should be used when a person wants to quote a book.

Wants to Read

For developers building book apps, Facebook provides a common books.wants_to_read action. This action is a signal that a person wants to read a book.

Movies and Television


For developers building video apps, Facebook provides a common watch action.


For developers building video apps, Facebook provides a common video.rates action.

Wants to Watch

For developers building video apps, Facebook provides a common video.wants_to_watch action.


Bike, Walk Run

For developers building fitness apps, Facebook provides common fitness.bikes, fitness.walks and fitness.runs actions.



Like, one of the most ubiquitous actions by Facebook users on the web today, is available as a built-in Open Graph action. Developers can design how like, as an Open Graph action, fits into the core user experience of any Open Graph-integrated app, through building a custom in-app “like button” that works across any mobile and web platform, helping to improve in-app content relevance while enjoying additional distribution on Facebook.


For developers building social apps, Facebook provides an og.follows action. The og.follows action allows a person to subscribe to another person's activity in an app.
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