Create Playlist

We are currently not accepting any new submissions for the Create Playlist action.
For developers building music apps, we have created a common Create Playlist action. This action can only refer to the Music Playlist object type. As a convenience, a Music Playlist object is automatically added to the App Dashboard when you register the Create Playlist action for your app.
This document covers the following topics:

Code Samples

You can find platform-specific code samples on how to create, read, update, or delete a Create Playlist action in the API Reference Guide.

Best Practices

The moment someone creates a playlist you can publish the action music.playlists, however, if they removes the playlist in your app you should delete the music.playlists action using the action id you received when publishing. If the id is not saved you can retrieve all music.playlists actions to locate the correct action.
If the person updates the contents of the playlist, you should update the meta tags on the playlist URL to reflect the new contents, and then make an API call to update the associated Open Graph object.

Submission Requirements

In order to access the Create Playlist action, you must have the appropriate relationships in place with rights owners. We are currently not accepting any new submissions for the Create Playlist action.
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