Custom Stories
Post rich stories from your app using a strongly typed API.
How Custom Stories works.
Custom Stories in iOS Publish custom stories from your iOS app.
Custom Stories in Android Publish custom stories from your Android app.
Custom Stories on Web Publish custom stories from your website or web app.

What are Custom Stories

A typical story consists of four elements: an actor, action, object and your app's name. With these elements you can publish stories like:“Hugo read Catch-22 on Goodreads”.
Open graph offers many commonly used actions and objects, which you can start using right away, or you can create custom stories specific to your app.

Using Actions

Actions are the 'verbs' or the things that people can do in your app and publish as stories. Actions are published, retrieved and modified using the Graph API.


See a list of the common actions that are available by default.

Using Objects

Objects are the 'nouns' or targets for actions in your stories. Objects can be used in two different ways: self-hosted (represented by HTML markup on a web page) or created using the Object API.

Creating custom stories

Stories are composed of actions and objects; Facebook has defined a set of common actions and objects, but you may create your own custom actions and objects.

Open Graph Insights

Facebook Insights provides developers with metrics about their content, including stories published from your app.

Best Practices

See our sharing best practices to create the most engaging sharing experience.


Custom Stories support internationalization (i18n) of actions and objects for use in multiple languages.


Custom Stories reference documentation.
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