The Graph API

The primary way for apps to read and write to the Facebook social graph.


Find out to read and publish data in a few simple steps.

API Reference

Get the full details of all the nodes, edges, and fields in the Graph API.

Using the Graph API

Using the Graph API you are able to post new stories, upload photos, retrieve posts and a variety of other tasks that an app might need to do. This guide will teach you how to accomplish all these things in the Graph API. We also have a guide for using Graph API with the iOS SDK.

Common App Scenarios

Because the Graph API can be used in a massive variety of ways, we have provided a list of common scenarios for apps in this doc, to help you locate the reference doc that you need to build a solution for it.

Advanced Guides

After you've conquered the basics of Graph API, you might want to learn more. We have guides to advanced topics like Making Multiple API Requests, Real Time Updates, and Securing API calls in our Advanced Guides section.

Other APIs

The Graph API is connected to some other Facebook APIs such as FQL. You can read our guides to these APIs in this section.
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