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Saturday 29 March 2014

facebook function

8. Add a Featured Page Owner

If you like to personalize your page so that everyone knows who's behind the brand name, you might like to make yourself a featured page owner (and perhaps others too). This means in the "About" section of your page people can see you are the owner and see your picture. How do you do this? It's easy. Open up the page editor, go to "Featured" and then "Edit featured page owners."
Facebook featured Page owner

9. Highlight Posts by Fans on Your Page's Timeline

The jury is out on whether the Timeline format is better or worse for pages, but one of the things most people are missing is the ability to have fan posts appear throughout it. Instead Facebook has pooled them altogether in one box at the top right of the Timeline. However, there is a way to make them visible throughout just like before. You simply click into the box, then choose the posts you want highlighted, click the little "X" button in the top-right and then click "Highlighted on Page." The post will then show up within your Timeline.
facebook highlight posts

10. Promote Your Page Posts Within the Newsfeed

Have a really important post that needs to go out? Maybe you're telling everyone about a special offer, competition or a flash sale. You want to get more people than usual to see it, but you don't want to do standard Facebook advertising. Well here's your answer - now you can promote specific posts on your Facebook Page (e.g. text, photo, video, poll, or whatever). Instead of sticking an ad over on the right-hand side of the page, Facebook just extends the reach of your post within the normal newsfeed. You can choose what budget you want to put towards it and Facebook will give you a rough idea of how many people will see it based on this budget. It can then last up to three days in the newsfeed.
Click the "Promote" button underneath your status and input a budget. You can also target people by location and language as well as change the budget during the process.

Facebook promoted posts

11. See How Many People Have Viewed Your Post Organically vs Virally

You can now see how many people have viewed your Facebook page posts – both organically (fans) and virally (friends of your fans who have seen the post). Just hover over the "_____ people saw this post" link below each of your Page posts.
Facebook organic vs viral

12. See All the Pages That Have Liked Your Page

Ever wondered which other Facebook pages have liked your page? Here's how you can find out (as well as all the people who have liked your page). In the "New Likes" section of your admin panel, you'll see a link to "See All." Simply click this and a list of all the people who have liked your post will appear. If you go to the box at the top left of this overlay you can change from "People" to "Pages" and voila – a list of all the pages that have liked your page will appear. You can then go and like them back if you see fit.
How many of these tricks did you already know about? And do you have any others you can share?

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