online job

Wednesday 26 March 2014

News room

Top Stories

Donate to Nonprofits Through Facebook

December 15, 2013
We’re giving nonprofits an easier way to reach out and ask for help
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Recent News and Announcements

Facebook to Acquire Oculus

March 25, 2014
Oculus is the leader in immersive virtual reality technology and has already built strong interest among developers.
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Announcing the Public Content Solutions Program

March 7, 2014
We’re providing partners with technical and business resources to build the best possible media solutions using Facebook and Instagram.
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Facebook, Instagram Announce New Educational and Enforcement Measures for Commercial Activity

March 5, 2014
We’re introducing a series of new educational and enforcement efforts for people discussing the private sale of regulated items.
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News Feed FYI: Showing Stories About Topics You Like

February 24, 2014
We’re adding a new way for people to discover conversations around topics they’ve expressed interest in.
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Upcoming Events


F8 2014

San Francisco, CA
Join leading developers from around the world at F8 2014. Engineers from Facebook and Parse will share what we’ve learned and where we’re headed.
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