Platform Status
Facebook Platform is Healthy
As of 2 seconds ago

API Response Time (ms)
API Error Rate (errors/call)
Issue History
February 28 at 5:23pm
Issue with Payments
The issue has been resolved and the developer daily report for Feb 27, 2014 is now available for download.
February 28 at 7:43am
Issue with Payments
We are currently experiencing issues with payments for a small number of transactions. In some instances, payments cannot be completed, and in other instances, payments will be completed but developer reports will be delayed. This issue is expected to be resolved in the next few hours.
February 27 at 4:44pm
API Issues Resolved
The issue has been resolved.
February 27 at 2:26pm
API Issues
We are currently experiencing issues with POST requests from certain clients and are working on addressing them.
February 7 at 2:40pm
API latency issues resolved
The issues with increased latency and API errors should now be resolved, thanks for your patience.