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Saturday 29 March 2014

12 Facebook Page Functions You Might Have Missed

12 Facebook Page Functions You Might Have Missed

Cara Pring.
By: praba  |   July 26, 2012  |   View Comments
If you're anything like me, you probably spend half your day checking your newsfeed for juicy stories and your Facebook page(s) for new likes and wall posts. There are varying schools of thought on whether Facebook makes you more or less productive and all I can say is that I'm glad it's part of my job – otherwise I think I'd have to go with the latter.
Given the amount of time we all seem to spend on the network you'd think we would know every little thing there was to know about it. That's why it's always so surprising to find out about a feature that managed to sneak its way into Facebook without us realizing it.
Here are 12 Facebook features you may not have noticed – all related to managing your Facebook page – so that you can step-up your social media marketing a notch or two.

1. Edit Comments

It wasn't long ago that you could only edit comments if you got to them within a few seconds after posting. Now Facebook allows you to edit comments on posts, photos or any content at any time as yourself or as a brand.
So, how do you do it? Click in the top right corner of your comment, then go down to "Edit..." You can also view all previous edits by clicking on the little "Edited" link that will appear beneath your comment.
edit Facebook comments

2. Reposition Photos

Again, this one works for both personal profile pages as well as brand pages. You know how Facebook takes the liberty of cropping your photos into the appropriate boxes that adorn your page or profile timeline? And how this sometimes is extremely annoying because it cuts out the most important bits? Well now you have the power to change it. Unfortunately, you still need to keep to the stipulated size/shape, but you can reposition your photo within the box to create the most flattering crop.
How, you ask? Again, it's pretty easy. Just click the edit icon (the one shaped like a pencil) in the top right of the picture box and go down to "Reposition Photo..."
Reposition Photo

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