Facebook SDK for PHP

The Facebook SDK for PHP enables developers to implement a rich set of server-side functionality for accessing Facebook's API. This includes access to all of the features of the Graph API and FQL. It also works alongside the Facebook SDK for Javascript to help you implement Facebook Login.
The SDK is typically used to perform operations as an app administrator, but can also be used to perform operations on behalf of the current session user. By removing the need to manage access tokens manually, the SDK greatly simplifies the process of authentication and authorizing users for your app.
Take a look at Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for PHP for instructions on downloading, installing, and initialization.

PHP SDK Guides

Retrieve a user profile

This example covers getting profile information for someone using your app or site and printing their name, using the Graph API with the PHP SDK.

Share a Link

This example covers posting a link to the timeline using the Graph API with the PHP SDK.

Upload a photo

This example covers uploading a photo using the Graph API with the PHP SDK.

Facebook Class

While most of the functionality of the Facebook SDK for PHP is implemented in the abstractBaseFacebook class, the Facebook class provides a concrete implementation that uses PHP sessions to store user IDs and access tokens. Normally, you will interact with Facebook using this class using the public APIs from BaseFacebook.

BaseFacebook Class

The BaseFacebook class provides access to the Facebook Platform. This class provides a majority of the functionality needed, but the class is abstract because it is designed to be subclassed so that you can define how persistent data should be stored for your application. The Facebook class implements these abstract methods using PHP sessions.


Call a Graph API method or an FQL Query using the PHP SDK.


Destroy the current session.


Get the current access token being used by the SDK.


Get the App ID that the SDK is currently using.


Get the access token that should be used for logged out users when no authorization code is available.


Get the App secret that the SDK is currently using.


Get whether file upload support has been enabled in the SDK.


Get a URL that the user can click to login, authorize the app, and get redirected back to the app.


This method returns a URL that, when clicked by the user, will log them out of their Facebook session and then redirect them back to your application.


Get the current signed request being used by the SDK.


This method returns the Facebook User ID of the current user, or 0 if there is no logged-in user.


Set the current access token being used by the SDK.


Set the App secret that the SDK is currently using.


Set the App ID that the SDK is currently using.


Extends the current access token being used by the SDK to be a long-lived token. This requires an existing valid access token.


Set file upload support in the SDK.

Abstract methods

These methods are required by any class which extends from BaseFacebook such as the Facebookclass we provide.


Stores the given key-value pair, so that future calls to getPersistentData for a given key return the related value.


Get the stored value for a given key which was set with BaseFacebook::setPersistentData.


Clears the stored value for a given key.


Clears all stored key-value pairs.

FacebookApiException Class


Get the object that is the result of the error or exception returned by the server.


Get the type for the error or exception, e.g. OAuthException.
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