Learn how to build and grow your app or website with Facebook.
iOS Developers
Add Facebook to your iOS app.
Android Developers
Add Facebook to your Android app.
Web Developers
Add Facebook to your site or web app.
Game Developers
Make your game social with Facebook.

Product Documentation

Tools to Help You

Facebook Login

Learn how to implement Facebook Login accross all platforms.


Improve your apps, drive growth, and increase engagement with our powerful sharing integrations.

Social Plugins

Learn to use the Like and Share buttons, Comments and a lot more social plugins.


Parse is the cloud app platform for iOS, Android, JavaScript, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and OS X. Never worry again about setting up your own servers.

Code Samples

Every SDK comes bundled with a couple of sample apps. If you want to learn how to use all the Facebook Platform features just download and install the SDK and start hacking.

Platform Policy

Facebook's Platform Policy for developers.
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